Thursday, 14 July 2011

Baby Blues VS Career Progression?

Hello Everyone,

So it is a Thursday night, my hubby to be is at cricket and i am home alone feeling, well, lonely lol. Iv had a rather strange week at work, it has been a roller coaster of emotions, lots of meetings, then meetings about them meetings, and further meetings about the other meetings we had about the first meeting. To cut a long story short, i have been told that our company is expanding massively, which in this economic climate, is a breath of fresh air. At the beginning of the week, i was convinced the opposite and that i wouldst have a job in three months..... I'm full of paranoia as you will learn. I was told by my manager that within the next two years, if i play my cards right, i could be living in Australia Dubai or South Africa as that is where the plan, will hopefully be taking us. We have just set offices up in Malaysia and Pakistan but there isn't a need for us to be over there as we have other staff memberships dealing with that. The prospect is amazing and Craig and i have always dreamed of moving abroad, but for some reason, this makes me sad.

Craig and I have always talked about moving overseas at some point in the future, but if i am honest i always thought it would be based around Craig's job and not mine. We had a sit down, serious conversation last night about our future and agreed to hold off on the breeding front for a few years as my career seems to be taking off and a baby now could change things completely. Don't get me wrong,i do not want people thinking Craig is pushing this and forcing this decision on me, we both discussed it, pros and cons and came to the decision that if i had a baby shortly after the wedding, then have to turn down the change to move abroad or, i get overlooked because i have been off on maternity leave, that would mean my progression would be seriously hampered. I know deep down, that this is the best thing to do, but i am very broody and although i am 24 and have another 6 years to be able to have a baby (as i want one before im 30) i do worry that if we put everything on hold then things don't turn out the away we are envisaging and i do not end up moving over sea;s at all, then all of this is in vain and i could have had my baby earlier.

We have two dogs, a black Labrador and jack Russel. The black Labrador is 4 and the Jack Russell is 18 months. We discussed having to leave them here, maybe with my mother, or friends, and the thought of that kills me as well. My dogs are my babies un till a little human comes along, but it would cost close to £5k to get them abroad when the time comes and i doubt very much the company will cover this, and we certainly will not be able to afford it.

I really do not know why i am letting it get to me so much, surely, when your told you have the potential to climb the career ladder and move abroad, you should be jumping for joy? I have at least 18 months before anything would even be seriously discussed and i am acting like it is a decision that needs to be made now. Maybe i am just thinking that i do not want to live my life around potentially moving abroad in case something happens and it doesn't take place but shouldn't i be thinking of my career now and taking advantage of this opportunity?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and whether anybody else has had this dilemma before. I think i am just being emotional and over reacting. It is good to vent though. Thanks for listening.

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